Home > EVV Training – Managing Employers Only

EVV Training – Managing Employers Only

Please view and acknowledge the following training steps:

1. Please view the UCP EVV 2: EVV Overview (PDF). By selecting YES below, you are acknowledging you have carefully read and understand the materials.
2. Please view the EVV Set-Up Training - MatrixCare for Home Care VIDEO (14 minutes). By selecting YES below, you are confirming you have viewed the video.
3. Please view the Telephony-Emergency Backup Training VIDEO (5 minutes). By selecting YES below, you are confirming you have viewed the video.
4. Please view UCP EVV7 Tips and Tricks (PDF). By selecting YES below, you are acknowledging you have carefully read and understand the document.
5. Please indicate below if you were able to successfully download the MatrixCare Mobile for Home Care app on your phone.
6. Please indicate if you are a NEW or CURRENT ME.
7. Please select the office location you work out of (CH=Camp Hill, SEL=Selinsgrove, LIT=Lititz):


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