Home > AWC Fraud Training – SSP

AWC Fraud Training – SSP

Directions: View the training materials, then select the correct answer for each question. A score of 80% must be earned to receive training credit.

1. View the Fraud Training (view PDF) and the following policies:
By checking YES below, you are confirming you have viewed the training and policies.
2. Please indicate if you are a NEW or CURRENT SSP.
3. Please select the office location you work out of (CH=Camp Hill, SEL=Selinsgrove, LIT=Lititz):
4. It is considered fraud if someone provides 4 hours and 50 minutes of service but rounds up to say they provided 5 hours of service.
5. If you are caught committing fraud, you can incur:
6. You are busy this Saturday but are scheduled to provide services. You have your sister (who is also an SSP) provide the services but you write the service note and sign it. This is allowable.
7. I should report fraud if I...
8. You are scheduled to start work at 4:00PM but home nursing is also providing services to that participant until 4:15PM. Billing can occur for both services simultaneously.


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