AWC Code of Conduct Compliance 1. Please view the Agency Overview (10 minute video) OR Agency Overview 2022 (PDF version). By selecting YES below, you are confirming you have viewed the video.YES 2. Please view the following policies: Code of Ethics and Conflict of Interest (PDF) Federal False Claims Act (PDF) Non-Retaliation (PDF)By selecting YES below, you acknowledge that you have carefully read the documents and agree to adhere to the ethical business principles and practices.YES 3. Please select if you are a Support Service Professional or Managing Employer:Support Service ProfessionalManaging Employer 4. Please indicate if you are a NEW or CURRENT SSP or ME.NewCurrent 5. Please select the office location you work out of (CH=Camp Hill, SEL=Selinsgrove, LIT=Lititz):CHSELLIT 6. I agree if I witness any type of fraud such as falsifying of records, up-coding or incorrect coding, failing to maintain appropriate document/records of services, actions resulting in overpayment, theft, failure to return funds not authorized, or falsifying time sheets I will contact the Corporate Compliance Officer at (717) 737-3477 OR Compliance immediately. Acknowledge agreement by checking YES below.YESNO Tester's email address: Tester's Name (required): Consumer's Name (required): Loading...