Home > Managing Interruptions – Confirmation of Learning Quiz

Managing Interruptions – Confirmation of Learning Quiz

Directions: Begin the Managing Interruptions Quiz only after viewing the training materials. To complete, click in the box beside the correct answer for each question. A score of 80% must be earned to receive training credit.

1. An individual is interrupted on average every ______________ minutes in the workplace and every time they get interrupted it takes them an additional ____________ minutes to get refocused.
2. To manage our interruptions, it is important to start by
3. How long is it recommended to keep an interrupters log?
4. What is it called when an individual blocks time off in their schedule for interruptions and only takes on as much other work as they can fit into the remaining time?
5. When is it acceptable to send callers to voicemails during the work day?
6. When is it acceptable to say no to requests or tasks?


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