Home > Coaching with Feedback – Confirmation of Learning Quiz

Coaching with Feedback – Confirmation of Learning Quiz

Directions: Begin the Coaching with Feedback Quiz only after viewing the training materials. To complete, click in the box beside the correct answer for each question. A score of 80% must be earned to receive training credit.

1. In order to give effective feedback and improve performance, managers should adopt what kind of approach?
2. Before approaching a conversation with a mentee about their performance, it is important to collect all the facts and know what ____________ you want to receive.
3. When speaking to an individual about their behavior, it is important to be specific by sticking to the __________ and be sure not to “sugar coat” the response.
4. When providing feedback, what can be used to come up with solutions, reveal feelings, or generate new ideas?
5. In order to be an effective manager, when should you prompt feedback with your mentee?


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