Home > AWC Universal Precautions Training – SSP

AWC Universal Precautions Training – SSP

Directions: View the Universal Precautions training materials., then select the correct answer for each question. A score of 80% must be earned to receive training credit.

1. Please view the following documents: CDC What You Need top Know About Coronavirus (PDF) and LifeSustainingPositionLetter (PDF). By selecting YES below, you are acknowledging you have carefully read and understand the materials.
2. Please review the Adult Handwashing Procedures (PDF). By selecting YES below, you are acknowledging you have carefully read and understand the materials.
3. Please read the MRSA Fact Sheet (PDF). By selecting YES below, you are acknowledging you have carefully read and understand the materials.
4. Please read the Policy for Minimizing the Spread of Infectious Disease (PDF). By selecting YES below, you are acknowledging you have carefully read and understand the materials.
5. Please indicate if you are a NEW or CURRENT SSP.
6. Please select the office location you work out of (CH=Camp Hill, SEL=Selinsgrove, LIT=Lititz):
7. Which of the below times should you always wash your hands?
8. How many seconds should you wash your hands using liquid soap under running lukewarm water?
9. MRSA is a potentially dangerous staff infection that can be recognized by an infected area of the skin that is red, swollen, painful, full of pus, and may be accompanied by a fever. It can be spread through sharing personal items such as towels and used tissues or having direct contact with someone's infected skin. What should you do if you suspect you have MRSA? (MRSA picture below)
10. Universal Precautions is a method for preventing the transmission of blood borne infections. It is based on the concept that control measures should be taken with all patients because there is no way to know for sure who is infected and who is not. Which of the following should you always do to protect yourself when working with consumers/patients?
11. If you suffer a puncture wound with a used needle or if you experience broken skin or mucous membrane contact with potentially infectious body fluid, which of the following should you do?


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